Magnolia Health

Under the supervision of a medical team, our therapists facilitate clients through non-ordinary state of consciousness experiences with psilocybin-containing truffles to explore the deeper aspects of the psyche and activate the inner healing intelligence.


Medisch Icon Health


Your team consists of a psychiatrist, psychologist, and physician

Person Icon Health

Individual program

Undivided attention with 1-on-1 guidance

Heart Icon Health

Self-healing ability and insights

Your inner healing intelligence is the focus

Tree Icon Health

Importance of environment

Our center is secluded and surrounded by nature

Magnolia - Behandeling


A truffle experience provides an opportunity to observe and explore the deeper aspects of your psyche, allowing you to later organize your thoughts and memories with more order, coherence, and acceptance. It can also foster a stronger connection with your true self and a greater life purpose. A truffle experience lasts between 4 and 7 hours, and the effects can be intense, ranging from profound changes in perception, including bodily sensations, to deep emotional insights and mystical experiences. Preparation and integration are essential for the truffle experience.

The first step is an intake, followed with a screening by our psychiatrist to assess if you are a suitable candidate for a truffle experience. Upon approval, you will be assigned to a team consisting of a facilitator (who is a psychologist) and a psychiatrist, both supported by a physician. The entire team is trained and experienced in guiding non-ordinary states of consciousness experiences. The program starts with an extensive session with your facilitator, thoroughly preparing you for the truffle experience. On the day you consume the truffles, you are supported and guided throughout the entire experience by your facilitator. Your experience takes place in our center in nature, providing tranquility and privacy. During the experience, you lie comfortably with an eye mask and headphones playing carefully selected music, allowing you to internalize the experience to the fullest.

Magnolia - Behandeling

After the experience day, there are two integration sessions with your facilitator, helping you make sense of the truffle experience and supporting you in implementing new insights into your life.

Our truffle program is not an alternative for medical treatment and assistance, cannot be considered care, and no diagnosis is made.


The truffle program consists of the following elements:

  • Free and non-binding intake – 1 hour
  • Screening by psychiatrist – 1 hour
  • Preparation/coaching session with facilitator (psychologist) and report of the conversation – 2.5 hours
  • Truffle experience with facilitator (psychologist) – 8 hours
  • Two integration sessions with facilitator (psychologist) and report of conversations – 2 x 2 hours
  • Preparation and integration workbook
  • Copy of the personalized music experience by Wavepaths
  • Sharing circle: Upon completion of your program, every two weeks, under the guidance of Magnolia’s team, there is a sharing circle in which you may participate freely

The total costs for the truffle program are € 3,750 including 21% VAT.


Body and mind are connected. Prolonged (hidden) emotional stress (anxiety, anger, loneliness) causes physical and mental disorders. The healing process involves processing and discharging emotional stress (caused by trauma) and restoring physical symptoms. Non-ordinary state of consciousness experiences provide an opportunity to access a deep inner intelligence that can guide a process of healing and transformation.

Magnolia Health Reis


Our structured approach consists of a personalized program based on insights from medical science combined with traditional approaches. We ensure thorough preparation, a safe non-ordinary state of consciousness experience, and meaningful integration sessions to implement the gained insights into your daily life.

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About us

Magnolia Health complies with the Dutch Healthcare Quality, Complaints, and Disputes Act (Wkkgz) and consists of a team of psychiatrists, psychologists, and physicians with extensive experience in guiding non-ordinary state of consciousness experiences. Our facilitation is not an alternative for medical treatment and assistance, cannot be considered care, and no diagnosis is made.

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